Can Rabbits Eat Celery?

can rabbits eat celery

Celery is the cousin of carrots and parsley, and they all live in a vegetable family called Apiaceae. If you’re familiar with the Bugs Bunny character that’s always munching on a carrot, and if celery is related to carrots, you must assume that this vegetable is safe for your little one. And it is. And … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Lettuce?

can rabbits eat lettuce

The current recommendations for rabbits’ diets state that rabbits should eat a diet that mainly consists of fresh hay, plus pellets. 15% of their diets should include fresh vegetables and fruit, and leafy greens are the best choices because they resemble the plants and grass rabbits eat in the wild. So, can rabbits eat lettuce? … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Tomatoes?

can rabbits eat tomatoes

Tomatoes are delicious and refreshing, whether you add them to your salads and sauces, or simply bite into them. Can rabbits eat tomatoes, though? Yes, and chances are they’ll find tomatoes delightful treats. But tomatoes should remain just that: an occasional treat, considering they can trigger diarrhea and stomach upset. If you want to know … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Peppers?

can rabbits eat peppers

Your rabbit needs some fresh vegetables every day because they pack vitamins and minerals your rabbit can’t get from pellets or hay. But can rabbits eat peppers? These veggies are a colorful and tasty treat with lots of important nutrients, so the short answer is yes. The long answer, on the other hand, depends. You … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Cabbage?

can rabbits eat cabbage

Rabbits are usually depicted munching on rabbits or stealing cabbage leaves from the vegetable garden. How much truth is in that? Can rabbits eat cabbage? The short answer is yes because rabbits benefit from eating leafy greens, and they should have some fresh fruit and vegetables each day. On the other hand, cabbage is known … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Strawberries?

can rabbits eat strawberries

Of course, you know that rabbits eat mostly hay and about 20% pellets, but they also need to eat some fruits and veggies to get all their minerals and vitamins. In this context, the question of whether rabbits can eat strawberries arises.  To put it philosophically, the answer isn’t no. That doesn’t mean the answer … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Grapes?

can rabbits eat grapes

We all know what grapes are, and we, humans, enjoy them whether fresh, in fruit salads, as raisins, or as wine. But can rabbits eat grapes? You know Aesop’s famous fable about the fox that can’t reach the grapes and says they’re sour. It’s probably what your bunny would say if he knew how dangerous … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Apples?

can rabbits eat apples?

The short answer is yes. Rabbits can eat apples. Don’t stop reading just yet, though. If rabbits can eat apples has a more complex answer: it depends.  Read the article below to find out how many apples you should give them, how often, plus a lot of pros and cons of introducing apples in your … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Broccoli?

can rabbits eat broccoli

We’ve all seen those movies where children refuse to eat broccoli, even though it’s one of the best foods for people. But can rabbits eat broccoli? The answer is yes, with some precautions. Rabbits, unlike children, love broccoli, but this vegetable can cause them gas. While that’s not a major red flag, it can still … Read more

Can Rabbits Eat Bananas? (Pros & Cons)

can rabbits eat bananas

Bananas are sweet, mouth-watering, and healthy – for humans. But can rabbits eat bananas? Chances are your fluffy pet will adore these treats because they are a sweet delight. Yes, you can feed your rabbit bananas. But don’t overdo it because they’re packed with sugar and they’re mushy, which can affect your rabbit’s digestive system. … Read more